Trump gets go ahead for partial travel ban

Mr Trump is facing investigation over alleged obstruction of justice

US President Donald Trump's travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries has been partially reinstated by the Supreme Court.
A watered-down version of the controversial measure will come into effect until the court meets to agree a permanent stance in autumn.
A "bona fide" or "familial" relationship with a US citizen is now required for travellers and refugees from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen wanting to enter the country in the next 90 days.
Iraqi nationals were originally included too, but dropped from the executive order's restrictions in March to resolve legal problems.

The White House said the ban would come into force within 72 hours of the ruling.
It argued the measure was needed to allow an internal review of the screening procedure for travellers from the blacklisted countries.
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Earlier this month, two federal appeals courts put an injunction on the first measure, saying the President had overstepped his authority.
"Immigration, even for the President, is not a one-person show," the three justices of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said in a ruling earlier this month.
"National security is not a 'talismanic incantation' that, once invoked, can support any and all exercise of executive power," they added.
The Supreme Court narrowed the scope of those injunctions, saying the government could enforce its measure against "foreign nationals unconnected to the United States".
Prior to the Supreme Court action, the ban only applied to new visa applicants - not people who already have visas or green card holders.
The revised executive order, made on 6 March, also allowed for waivers for a foreign national seeking to enter the US to resume work or study, visit a spouse, child or parent who is a US citizen, or for "significant business or professional obligations".
President Trump hailed the decision as a "clear victory for our national security".
In a statement, he said: "Today's unanimous Supreme Court decision is a clear victory for our national security.
"Today's ruling allows me to use an important tool for protecting our nation's homeland."

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