Saudi woman jailed for two months for flouting ban on female drivers is arrested again

Saudi woman jailed for two months for flouting ban on female drivers is arrested again

Saudi woman jailed for defying driving ban is arrested

Loujain al-Hathloul, 27, was arrested on June 4 at King Fahd International Airport in Dammam, though authorities have not revealed why she was taken into custody. Hathloul has been denied access to a lawyer or her family, human rights group Amnesty International said. She is expected to be taken to Riyadh later on Tuesday, where she will be interrogated by prosecutors. Hathloul, who studied at the University of British Columbia, was arrested in 2014 after she tried to drive into Saudi Arabia from neighboring United Arab Emirates (UAE), flouting the ban on women motorists. Saudi Arabia is the only country that forbids women from driving

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