Qatari planes banned from Egyptian and Saudi air space

Qatar Airways flight on 21 March 2017
Qatari planes are to be banned from Egyptian and Saudi air space, as a growing diplomatic row in the Gulf threatens large-scale air disruption.
Several countries have cut ties with the tiny Gulf state over accusations of supporting extremism in the region.
Air, land and sea links have been halted to the country from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain.
Qatar denies backing militants, including so-called Islamic State (IS), and said the move was "unjustified".
The unprecedented move is seen as a major split between powerful Gulf countries, who are also close US allies. It comes amid heightened tensions between Gulf countries and their near-neighbour, Iran.

Who has done what?

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE co-ordinated together to set the diplomatic withdrawal into motion, closing all transport ties to Qatar, a tiny gas-rich peninsula.
They have given all Qatari visitors and residents two weeks to leave their territory. The three countries have also banned their citizens from travelling to Qatar.
The UAE and Egypt have given Qatari diplomats 48 hours to leave both countries.

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